Example Systemd configuration for Basic Builder

This directory contains an example configuration set for running Basic Builder under systemd.

This presumes you've done a pip3 install . in the root of the repository (or in a virtualenv, etc.).

For demonstration purposes, the ExecStart path is /usr/local/bin/bbuilder, the EnvironmentFile is located at /etc/default/bbuilder, and that the User to execute as is named git.

  1. Copy environment.example to /etc/default/bbuilder and edit it to suit your needs.

    NOTE: This file contains the sensitive BB_AUTH_KEY value. Ensure this file is only readable by trusted users (e.g. mode 400)!

  2. Copy bbuilder-api.service and bbuilder-worker.service into /etc/systemd/system.

  3. Run sudo systemctl daemon-reload to load the changes to Systemd.

  4. If applicable, create your service user.

  5. Enable and start the API (sudo systemctl enable --now bbuilder-api.service) and Worker (sudo systemctl enable --now bbuilder-worker.service).

  6. Configure your webhooks, etc.