# package-radarr This package configures the Radarr Movie download manager on a Debian/Ubuntu system. # Package variables ## Configurable These variables should be configured in the host group that imports this role. ### `radarr_version`: The version to use. * Should be a valid release version. ### `radarr_sha256sum`: The SHA256 sum of the GitHub release binary. * Must match the artifact for the version specified in `radarr_version`. ## Defaults These variables should not need to be changed. ### `radarr_user`: The service username. * Default: `radarr` ### `radarr_uid`: The service user UID. * Default: `219` ### `radarr_path`: The homedir for the service user and application. * Default: `/srv/radarr` ### `radarr_url`: The GitHub release artifact URL * Default: `https://github.com/Radarr/Radarr/releases/download/v{{ radarr_version }}/Radarr.develop.{{ radarr_version }}.linux.tar.gz`